This day

By snapper

Sailing along

Had a nice long lie till the visa folks phoned asking why I didnt pay my visa this month! I said I did over a week ago however they didnt get it yet!
In fact I went to the bank almost two weeks ago to pay off my mortgage, and the visa. Bank person took note of evrything and I left them to it. turns out they never took any of the payments off my ac. In fact they are being very mysterious about my meagre pennies and are avoiding me like the proverbial plague! They don't seem to like the idea of me paying off the remainder fo my motgage! I will have to go in on MOn and chase them up again. If it was me that owed them money they would be on my back 24/7!

Went to see the Crinan classic boat day and saw some nice old wooden boats, not as many as there was last year right enough! came home and cleaned, hoovered, changed beds.....yes you guessed we are getting visitors! my pal is stopping over for one night on her way to Malta.

Made mince, tatties and doughballs. When I bought the mince at the butchers I was puzzleing on how to ask the guy did he have doughballs! As it was in Glasgow and I know how sharp they guys are, I was desperatly trying to think of some other way of asking. Where did I put the emphasis on the dough or the balls bit? Finally blurted out "do you have dough for balls?"
That didnt work, the retort was "not the last time I looked hen" I slunk out clutching my mince and decided to go for the packet stuff from the Co op

Have a good blip weekend all

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