All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


After deciding not to do controlled crying with Ethan last night, we ended up having a rubbish night anyway. He was up at 1am, 3am and 5am - ouch! However, hubbie got up with him at 5.30am and I got a lie-in till 8am - phew!

Ethan & I walked down to The Centre to buy some baby stock cubes. I am enjoying pureeing most of his foods myself but decided to take the easy option with the stock I need for some of the recipies. Made a few more Annable Karmel delights when we got home so hope he likes them.

The plan was for hubbie & I to go to the Almond Valley Heritage Centre. I bought annual membership there earlier in the week and it's such a bargain we thought we'd go today and hubbie would buy membership for himself too. But he was so tired after being up early that he crashed out on the sofa for most of the afternoon, so we never made it. I spent ages playing with Ethan in his ball pit. After he tired of that, he kicked around on the conservatory floor for a while and seemed pretty happy. I don't know if it's due to the heat in that room or the fact he was just worn out but all of a sudden he fell asleep on the floor and slept there for 1/2 hour!

We've opted out of controlled crying again tonight but decided to try Ethan in his cot in his own bedroom for the first time. I sat on the floor at the bottom of the cot after I put him down where he couldn't see me. Not something I usually do when I put him to bed but I wanted to see how he got on. The wee star played for about 10 minutes and then fell asleep. I feel rather sad about the fact he's in there and it's going to be very strange going to bed tonight and seeing the empty crib beside my bed. No doubt Ethan will be up during the night though demanding a feed and I do wonder if I'll be able to resist bringing him back through to our room then!

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