All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

I surrender!

Today was the first day all week that Ethan & I hadn't got any firm plans. As we haven't been to Bounce & Tickle for a while, we went along to that in the morning for a bit of a sing song. And then home for a chilled out day together.

Ethan was so good today and I managed to get loads done. I'm so relieved that the days of him screaming as soon as I tried to put him down seem to be behind us. Much as I love cuddling him, it was hard going having a baby who just wanted to be held all the time. He even managed a 40 minute afternoon nap in his cot in the afternoon which is unusual.

Late afternoon I did something I've been putting off for months. We walked down to the nursery and I put a deposit down to book him a space for when I go back to work. The nursery manager was telling me most mums cry the first time they drop their children off there and that was enough for me to start welling up there and then! I'm hoping not to have to go back to work till much later in the year but still to agree dates and hours with my boss. Trying not to think about it too much at the moment though.

Hubbie and I had been considering trying to start controlled crying with Ethan tonight as he continues to wake several times a night and won't settle without a feed. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it just yet so guess I'll need to continue giving in to the feeds until I can harden myself to give it a go!

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