
By Tinks

Sick note!

Had a very hectic day today! Took my old, poor, very sick car to be scrapped :( Completed all the red tape paper work, de-registration form, customs forms, other forms etc etc and it's now all with the relevant people, in their relevant intrays, in their relevant officers. A complete weight off my mind I can tell you! I now can't wait to get my new car :)

I then took Jade to the Doctor to see what he thought of her limping about. He's pretty sure she hasn't broken anything but thinks she's sprained it and bruised the bone. He's told her to rest it and advised me to keep her off school for the week! If she wake's up on Friday morning and she's still limping she has to go for an x-ray. In the meantime he's put a huge crepe bandage on it, which she's obviously very pleased about!

I know she's going to be unbearable by tomorrow let alone Friday! She's a doer and sitting with her foot up doing nothing will not suit her one little bit! Here she's playing with her 'Bop it' with the T.V. remotes close at hand!

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