All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan and I started off today with a weaning class at our local Health Centre. As I actually started weaning him about 6 weeks ago I wasn't sure whether or not to attend, but the Health Visitor said I should go anyway. I didn't really get too much out of it but it was nice to see some of the other mums and their babies again that I'd met at the baby massage classes.

In the afternoon we met up with 3 other mummies and their babies from our Baby Sensory group and went to The Almond Valley Heritage Centre. The sun was beaming down and it was really busy there. We had fun wandering round and showing the babies the animals. I even took Ethan on the trampolines (they're in the ground, not high ones) and he LOVED it! Bit hard to take a photo of myself with him on the trampoline though so here's one of him by himself on it. I bought an annual membership for the Centre so I'm sure we'll be back again soon.

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