All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

A little me time

Busy, busy day today.

Started with Ethans weekly swimming class in the morning. He missed the class last week as we were away on holiday and seemed quite excited when he realised where we were today!

Then a quick wander round The Centre to see if I could find an outfit in the sales to wear at his naming day. (I couldn't)!

A pit stop at home for lunch and then we headed into Edinburgh to visit my sister at her work. She minded Ethan in the creche there while I spent an hour of me time in the steam room and jacuzzi, followed by a club sandwich, cuppa and browse through the paper. When I went back to pick up Ethan, he didn't seem to have missed me in the slightest!

When we got home, we met up with my neighbour to go for a walk with our babies in their buggies. It was a glorious evening and although we did a route we've both done individually lots of times before, we agreed it's much more fun walking with someone else!

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