Zeitgeist London

By zeitgeistlondon

I Hate Buses

Anyone who knows me will know that I. Hate. Buses. With a true sense of purpose.

Firstly, in this weather, they are unbearably hot. A greenhouse on wheels, opening a window merely lets in the fumes of the London traffic. Add that to about 70 sweaty bodies and you have a fate you wouldn't wish on anyone.

Secondly, they are slow. London traffic is horrendous at the best of times, but it does seem that every other road is being dug up for some trivial reason lately. And of course, when you finally get to the "road works", it invariably consists of some barriers blocking off a lane for no other reason than to corral some bright orange traffic cones.

Thirdly - the passengers. Bus passengers seem, to me at least, to be a different breed to regular Tube riders. There is no "back of the tube" for the purposes of playing your music through a tinny speaker on your phone so that everyone hears the (c)rap music you're listening to. And if you sneak a fag whilst riding the tube, you're likely to be arrested as a fire hazard (remember Kings Cross?). So why certain bus passengers think this is acceptable behaviour is beyond me.

I will never criticise the Tube again...(well, until next time its late!)

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