Thistle Down

By Ethel


When all us people gathered,
On that reunion day.
To meet the folks who gathered there,
From miles and miles away.

It made us feel so very good,
As we went by in file.
To clasp again your hands so tight,
And see once more...your smile.

It sort of buoyed us on the way,
On our faces put a grin.
To have you there to greet us,
Among our kith and kin.

To see the young-uns rushing by,
With energy and vim.
While all us other...niners,
Were filled up to the brim.

To hear once more...those by-gone jokes,
By those who holds the staffs.
And resurrects the tales of yore,
With old familiar laughs.

It is mighty gather round,
And these reunions hold.
And bring those in who might forget,
To number with the fold.

So gratifying...sure it is,
To kids, and moms, and pops.
To know our last reunion,
In every-way...was tops.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

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