Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

View from bedroom

Today was the last full day of our holiday. We are heading on the long journey home tomorrow. We've had a wonderful time, perhaps one of my favourite holidays ever. It has been so relaxing and full of fun times with our little family. Kerr has laughed proper belly laughs every day, and has thoroughly enjoyed spending full days with mummy, daddy and Fudge. Don't really want to go back home!

We went on a great beach walk today. Kerr enjoyed being carried by kerrsdaddy in the back pack, and Fudge had a fabulous time running in and out of the sea and rock pools.

We spotted a male Great Northern Diver in full breeding plumage, which was very exciting for kerrsdaddy and another 'life tick' for us all. Yay!

This photo was taken at 11pm from our bedroom window in the cottage. Absolutely stunning, and so peaceful with only the sound of birds and sheep to be heard. Bliss.

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