Porch light/neighbor's roof line/night sky

Is it true that you can take a close-uppish shot of anything or a collection of things and call it in abstract?

It is.

Thank heavens.

Is it true that all abstracts aren't necessarily arty or good?

It is.


I'd like all of these on a wall in my house.

Been very busy today but not with anything that expanded my wallet, just my brain.
I'm a Flash expert now, yessirree. Not.

Tomorrow I'm going to cut the grass and the bordering patch of the neighbor's because he cut our entire front lawn the week before, including the south side patch which I wanted to keep long so I could blip rain drops on grass again. I know him. He won't come home, look at the grass, and think "Ah, she cut our lawn but she missed their little patch on the other side. I'd better get it." Not that I'm ungrateful of course.

All important correction on yesterday's blip;
ENGLAND vs. USA in a world cup rematch.

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