Bad blipper

I am. There were four adorable kids here today, playing with the water feature and having a ball and this is the blip I choose to remember the day by? Well that's because t's twv onl pctvw I twk ll duh. I said, it's the onl pictuw I twk ull duh.

Okay, okay! It's the only picture I took all day! It is somewhat related, as I spent the morning peering out the kitchen window; cooking, watching mini-waves of rain come through and obsessing over whether we'd be able to grill or not. Then, miraculously, as the lunchers arrived, the sun broke out. Lunch was lovely if I may say so myself. I only suck at making desserts that kids like. You'd think it would be easy to appeal to those little taste buds when it comes to sweets.

As we downed the last bit, the heavens opened up again and made us squeal and run. I rotated this to make it more exciting and dynamic. Woo.

Way to go England and USA, I guess you have some life in you after all. Wouldn't a UK/USA rematch be a hoot? Or lordy no, rather not, that neighbor who tries to invite himself over to watch the games would have to be fought off with a stick.

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