
By dogwithnobrain

I love You Because, You're You!

It had to be.

Is Father's Day, and since I couldn't find that bloody buzzard, it is the Father of My children. My Beloved.

As a father he is the best there is, he had the double sided mis-fortune/ joy of loosing a job twice right at the time the children were tiny, and he was able to be a house-daddy and share the whole experience.

He himself, had a shitty childhood. It's not my place to discuss it, but I always look at him in wonder as he parents our kids and think, how did you get to be so good at that after what you endured. I think what we have to remember that everything is learnt from making mistakes.

Some of us make mistakes and correct them as we go - others had the mistakes done to them, and ensure that they aren't carried on.

I'm very impressed that I got a photo of him. He doesn't do photos unless he is caught unawares. I think he knew I was trying to get a blip of him today, and I was getting strained faces, as he glowered at me through the lens.

I know how to get a smile like this tho..... and it involved something I'm not prepared to reveal from the other side of the camera!

Happy Fathers Day.

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