This day

By snapper

I'm bored!!

I used to get onto my kids for using the B word and here I am using it.
Was up early (ish) to go down to Glasg to meet a wee bloke that is going to sort out the gas heaters and stuff in my folks house. It needs a serious overhaull
He also knows a joiner and a plumber so I think we will be sorted soon. Lots to do though

Eldest daughter ventured home with her wee car and got there in one piece (thank you God) No1 son working till late and no one here but little wee me! my other pal is busy climbing mountains with some one and there is no one else much that I know (say aw!)

Took a few pictures of some stuff I would like valued and took the pics to an auction house! the guy that looked at the pics said they would "give a couple of hunner" as it was only victorian!!! Did I have stupid writ large on my forehead? Victorian it aint!!! I stood about for a bit and watched the auction that was going on and there were some very mixed folks there. some I wouldnt let into my house, some little old ladies (keeping warm) some marrieds looking for a nice painting and the majority of fly by nights who will pick stuff up for pennies then tootle off to their wee shops in wee towns and flog the stuff for a small fortune, I noticed too that this type almost always wore strange hats, had bandanas or odd specs on. Decided to give them a swerve and try my pal who used to work in Philips, he might have better advice. It was realy curiosity on my part, but fun none the less, plus they had a great wee cafe going

Plootered about the garden with son before he went to work so now on my own again, suppose I could read my book. I should have brought one of the dogs with me for company, it company I miss most.

Picture of a cherub on the Stuart fountain at Kelvingrove. All my own wee cherubs have grown up!

Have a good remaining blip weekend all

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