Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

What's in your garage?

Yes, it's quiz time again and no this wasn't one of the questions, although there is a link for which there's no prize for spotting.

Talking of prizes we walked away with first prize again this week, although picking out those we got wrong there's definitely eight this week and we were marked as only having seven wrong which would have dropped us into a joint first place - Hey Ho, win some lose some - far too late for a recount.

Here's the list of those I think we got wrong - see if you could have improved our score:

1. How many feet long is a table tennis table?
2. In which county is the village of Stamford Bridge, site of a battle in 1066?
3. Which officially recognised pseudonym is used by film directors who do not wish to be credited?
4. What is the collective noun for jellyfish?
5. What was the title of the 1996 sequel to the 1995 film The Brady Bunch Movie?
6. Known as a crayfish in Australasia, what type of crustacean is a langouste?
7. Who had a 1970s hit singing Spanish Eyes?
8. England play four cricket Test Matches against which country in July/August?

And a bonus question:

9. Derived from French, what name is given to a widow possessing a title or property obtained from her husband? - Lady Findhorn was mentioned in passing as we answered this one, perhaps I should take a leaf out of her book and have a good tidy up in the garage.

And now the plug for Andrew (who's good enough to email me the above so's I don't have to type them out:

The quiz is well & enjoyably run by Andrew and as his website says "If you're in London, Essex, Herts, Beds or Bucks - Want to hold a quiz event but can't find a quiz master? - Want a fun evening?" Then give him a call.

Been falling behind with my blipping so check out the last couple of days backblips Minsmere & Age of Aquarius.

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