Curvy town
You were supposed to get a shot of the waves crashing over the new breakwaters. But I couldn't resist another shot of North Berwick. There's something very seductive about the curve of the bay out to the harbour.
The decluttering frenzy continues. Mostly today was the second stage of yesterday's activity - actually taking all the junk to the tip/charity shop. So, all those university folders are in the recycling now... Hopefully I will never need those lengthy notes on English land law again.
I'm now just toiling over what to do with my old law books. I've put aside the ones I might ever refer to again, but the rest are so out of date that I'm not sure it's fair to even put them in a charity shop. I do have this problem with throwing books out though. Even recycling them would just feel wrong. So, they'll just sit in the corner glowering at me until I make a decision.
And any blippers in the East Lothian area next weekend, make sure you've seen this blipmeet. I'm assured by a local weather sage, that it will be a great day to be at the beach...
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