Big hairy nut
Ten things you should know about coconuts:
1. I love them
2. Mr B is allergic to them
3. Over 54 million tonnes of coconuts are harvested every year in the world
4. Katherine is allergic to them (tested Ray Mears style by rubbing coconut on her lip)
5. Conor is probably allergic to them ('proper' allergy testing)
6. I love them
7. There is a theory that allergies can be 'caught' by mothers from their babies
8. Curries are not the same without coconut in them
9. I love them (did I mention that already?)
10. They are named after an Iberian monster that hides under your bed
I'm sure you can guess where this is going. I think Conor has made me allergic to coconuts. Last time I had a coconut curry I wasn't well (no, nothing to do with the copious amounts of wine and beer also consumed, since you ask).
So tomorrow, when all the allergy-folk are in London/at school/at nursery I'm going to crack this one open and throw caution to the wind....
Slow blip day. It was this or a picture of the laminator.
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