
By spitzimixi

Barren moonscape

today I went to the moon and Blipped this weird egg.

I'm guessing that a fully grown national league A volleyball team will hatch out of it as our household seems to revolve around volleyball. I'm feeling a bit grumpy about volleyball today as it took over the whole weekend and now this evening. I have two things to tell Mr. Spitzimixi but he ain't here, he's off being Mr. President and making speeches and stuff. So, I'll tell you Blippers instead (I already told half of Facebook): 1, I passed my exam and 2, Flea had an accident today and someone else's tooth went through her lip.
Dear volleyball club, when you have finished with my husband, could you please bring him back in the state I handed him over to you? i.e. well fed, clean and in a good mood. Thanks.

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