Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Bluebottle Blues

Righty-ho then.
Ahh. Here I am on the edge of the nice little wooden-type plank.
It is a lovely day for a naughty plank walk. What? <SPLASH!> Arg! Oh!

YAHHH! You've drowneded me.
I do not like this game.

I've got those "When I say I trust you I don't want to be drownded
'cause I do not like those kind of game" Blues.
I don't like naughty tricks that go sploo gee splat
(They say harm can come to a young lad like that)
And I do not like explosions that blow me back for Christmas
Out of my el-seaside bel-bottom shoes
I don't like being wetted by nasty April showers
And I do not like being nutted by Eifel and Blackpool towers
So I do not want to be drowned, nutted, deaded, hitted, splatted pledded!
I don't like that kind of type blues -- I don't like that
I've got them Bluebottle Blues.

Best viewed in LARGE and best heard on The Goons - Unchained Melodies: The Complete Singles Recordings 1955-1978

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