
By dogwithnobrain

If birds fly over the rainbow

Birdie Rescue mission today!

Mo spotted bird and dragged me down to see it, well I say dragged, I think I was actually out door before her! It was sitting on the stones near the bins and as I bent to it, it opened it's wee mouth wide, looking for worums! I could see all the way into it's wee teeny boney framed belly.

I put my hand out towards it and it bounced into the air, did a flip and landed on it's back! Mo and me were squealing. Another examine and we almost thought to leave it, but then we heard the wolves. There are a pack of wolves live downstairs and over from us in the office!

I had to do something - if the dogs came Out, it would either die of fright, be trampled on, or get eaten ; the result would never be good.

I squatted down closer and reached over to him - and he kept into the air and fell to the ground through the fence and onto the grass in a wee place away from the dogs and close enough for his mum to find him!

Just at that much flapping of wings, and squawking, and there was mum, much distressed to hear her baby cry but relieved I think to see it was just two silly wummin fussing over him.

On a sadder note, The Bean Meister has
Killed approximately 4 birds this week.

On an even more tragic note, I Believe I must be sitting a seat behind the smelliest children in non-poverty-struck Scotland today. Am
Feeling rather ouaft!

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