
By skaterg1rl

i make the sandwich. she doesnt eat it. it's a nice routine.

i balance my fear of giving my daughter an unhealthy relationship with food with my desire to have a child come out of school at the end of the day who is not beside herself with hunger

more talk, talk, talk at the new job then off to the old one to brainstorm ideas to promote a conference.

sometimes i think i might be best at superficial relationships.

the kids and i decided to go to m&s and buy lots of cake and have a tea party

it was compensation for the tedium of doing my bit at the residents association agm. thankfully i didnt put my hand up and get my over-assertive self voted on to anything.

had to be forced on to the sofa by mr skaterg1rl in order to slow the flow of adrenaline and chat.

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