Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Boys will be Boys

The day started off with Gracie's swim practice at 7:00. Josie and Grant had swim practice at 10:15 and 11:00. During Josie's practice, Grant, Jack and two other little kids played. At one point, Grant asked for the keys to the car. He returned with a length of string he apparently had in the van. I turned around a bit later and found him with a cluster of little kids gathered round while he made bows for them which I used for my blip foto of the day. I thought he was pretty clever whipping these up using only sticks they found and the string and some knots. The little ones really enjoyed playing with them and pretending they were on a hunt with bows and arrows.

After swim, we returned home for lunch and Jack and I ran Gracie over to her friend Katie's house. He jumped on her trampoline and checked out the goats in her backyard as well as played with her dogs before I could pry him out of there.

After we got home, we packed a dinner for Grant and took him to his Boy Scout Camp at Lodi Lake. Returned home to bake the lasagna and eat and then pick up Gracie from Katie's.

Then back to swim at Quail Lakes for Josie at 7:00. Jack entertained himself by squirting ants with his special homemade "potion" with a new little friend. Home again for showers/bed. Another busy day!

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