Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Tally Time

Today, well actually this evening, I am or will be tallying the semester scores. My enthusiasm for this is nill. My heart isn't in much at the moment--the last 5 days have really been a wipe-out.

I've always believed in keeping the grading system simple. Just 156 possible points for the entire semester works great for me. When I have students who think that is not enough points, I just tell them to add as many zeros to the right-hand side of the column as they desire.

I think very few students are going to drop below the passing score of a "C" and for that I am pleased. Most of my Basic Writing students, who earn a "C" are quite capable of earning a high score when they get to Freshman English and that's the grade that counts on their transcripts. I'm anxious to see how many "B"s and I hope a few have climbed right up into the "A" range.

I've really had some nice students in my classes this semester and this usually becomes apparent once they realize that their grade will be earned, not begged or given just because they've warmed a chair. It would be nice to be a "touchy feel-ly" teacher, but I see their ability to write as extremely important . . . rather like boot camp to a soldier or "hell" week to a football player. If students pass my Basic Writing class without the ability to write, then I have passed them to fail the next level.

One student wrote these words in his recent email. It is his last sentence that reveals that I am not a "push-over" instructor and for that reason some don't like me:

"Lastly, I just want to let you know that you are the epitome of what a teacher should be. Over the long years of teaching I am 100% sure this is a cliché to you, but just couldn't keep it to myself, knowing you were the reason for my improvements. The expectations and tough love you exhibited were substantially important and significant in my development as a student to come, so I thank you. You truly get it."

So the semester ends momentarily. Graduation is Thursday. I'm supposed to be at a conference, but I love commencement, so I just may ditch the final day of the conference to get myself to a celebration -- a place with lots of applause, balloons, smiles, and victory!

Thank YOU for your encouraging comments to us these past few days. Being inside of Blipfoto takes my mind off of the loss here.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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