Conversations With Time

By wdd

Mystery Image from 'Our Little Herb Ritz'

I have no idea what the image that is loaded may be of.. it wasn't actually taken by me... hark! But this may be against 'Blip Rules'... but let me explain......
The above photo was taken by the thrower of yesterdays lovely wake-up-call / Banana skin.. Bruno, our 4, nearly 5yr old, who has just discovered the joy, and I use the term loosely, of taking photos.. or more to the point, clicking the button while randomly pointing the camera inany direction from the ceiling to the floor and there inbetween.. Who knew the old floor boards could be so interesting, or the closeness of the carpet.

Over the past few days, when going to take the daily blip, when uploading/dowbloading, from camera to computer.. well, instead of just a few shots, there is magicaly, 319! So today, I thought, I'd just randomly click on something... now, that's living life on the edge.. aye.. (says mother of two, while sitting rocking in a corner)

Actually (also one of his favourite words, but I don't do the same hand gestures as Bruno), some of the shots are pretty good, quirky.. even cool. It has struck me that photos or images from someone so young are fun, even more, innocent, as they have not yet any pre-concieved ideas of what should make up a good image, or reasons in-built, as to why not take something from such a random angle.

Part of me wants to embrace this new found creativity he's discovered, but maybe next week, he'll be back to obsessing about Banksy and graffiti.. (yes, he's not even 5!)

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