
By Jillybean


We woke up at 5:00 this morning to make the journey up to Marist for orientation. It was alright. It was a bit boring at times. I met a couple of friendly people there (whom none of I can find on facebook now...solid). The food was good though and it had its fun moments I suppose. I finally got a Marist swetshirt though!!!!

So this is the first blip of what I assume will be many of the Hudson River. The campus overlooks it. It was a overcast day so its not the best picture but I figured it was appropriate.

Went to Macs house when I got back home for food and swimming. Macs house is located directly behind my grandpas meaning their backyards literally connect. This is something that we've never really taken advantage of seeing as how we weren't close friends until this year. But tonight we did take advantage of it indeed. After completely making a disaster out of the burgers on the grill and deciding Macs pool was a bit too frigid we broke down the fence seperating the yards. (It used to be a gate but Mac broke it when he was little so it was kind of just sitting in the ground and we ripped it out.) So we went swimming in grandpas pool which was a lovely 86 degrees. =]

I feel like I'm standing on the edge of summer after tonight. Just waiting to dive in.

I have to start making the summer list soon!

"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different."
- Coco Chanel

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