
By shutterbuggin

Just a shadow of the man

Woke up in the hospital this morning. My own room, up on the 6th floor. Fantastic views over London. I took a few shots, but the window was dirty from all those cab and bus fumes. There were hard shafts of morning light chopping through the windows when I lifted the blinds. Here is my shadow cast on the floor of the room. Unlike some horror stories you hear, the stay wasn't altogether unpleasant.

Back in work now. The creative department have been summoned by the new, overly keen studio manager - overly keen to make his mark that is. Telling us we need to prepare for long nights and even weekends. Not for me I was thinking, I'm freelance and you have to pay big for that! - got a friend of mind over from Strasbourg soon, and I'm not going to have him wait for me to get out of this place.

The sun is shining off the gherkin building now. Wish I was out there, enjoying some freedom.

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