Irene Oleksiuk/ One a Day

By ireneoleksiuk

Miksang image with iphone

the workshop ended today at 5pm with all of the participants images from today.
Every evening we had to give in 10 images for all to view on the theme we had been given for that day. the first day it was Color, 2nd day Texture and last day it was patterns and by the last day it all blended together, so that what has pattern could have color or texture....
Miksang photography is to open your mind's eye to see, really see. Part of our exercises before we went to shot was short little meditation exercises, to relax to open up and connect with the world around us. One of the exercises was called Human camera, where you close your eyes and then very slowly open and gently start to focus, and just see with no labels or thoughts. As soon as your brain names things you would close your eyes again, rotate slightly and start all over again. the various exercises did help a lot.
this image was not shot during the workshop but after in an evening walk.
the color is blue and I added in iphone app another image of clouds that were shot earlier that day and did a blend.

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