And everything's coming up roses
Our garden has taken on a new dimension this year.
Both the rabbits died last year, which was traumatic to say the least. Thumps, was found stuck head down in the ramp heading into their "downstairs" in the hutch.
Admittedly, she was rather large around the hips (aren't we all), but I don't think she got stuck and died. I think she was just on her way down, and died. We were devastated. So were the neighbours, as Me and Tooli stood in the garden at 11.30 pm howling, while Si dug a hole.
Bluesurvived for a further three months, and was most definitely pining his wee brother. The really tragic thing was, I sat for 45 minutes channeling Reiki, and then laid him down in his straw. When I came out 15 minutes later. He was deid! My reiki master tries to make this better for me by saying "Reiki does not cure anything, it simply permits what has to happen to happen". Hmm, still killed the rabbit eh?
So, Sunday morning this time. Boy was here too. Me and Tooli howled, while Si dug hole, and Boy examined deadness of Blue.
Two months after burying the second rabbit under a tree. The tree died! Hmm.
Which brings me rather nicely to picture. Rabbits, which we allowed the freedom of the garden -and yes that did involve a lot of work for my beloved. The garden was completely chicken wire proofed. Trees had a magnificent scaffolding of juice bottles arranged around the trunks. The only place we missed was a little sandy spot beside the shed. And yes, they did find it, and they did dig under the shed. Eventually we had to put a slab down on top of it, because they ate all the plant pots I put on top of it.
Now the rabbits are gone, the garden can grown again. For the last 7 years we had a deficit of plantlife in the garden. They ate EVERYTHING. Even the plastic cover of my propagation house.
The garden is now in mid bloom, and it really is a joy. This above, is the vegetable plot. Not big, admittedly, but beloved thought he would start small and see how we progressed. Two rows of potatoes, and two types of lettuce. We also have a tray of carrots and leeks to replant when they are a little bigger.
Beau, you see, sitting admiring the neat rows and pretty colours is wondering why someone else is watering her GINORMOUS kitty-lit tray.
I do love life!
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