RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Brazilian Rider

I was going to keep with yesterday's post and show a color shot once again. I took a photo at my daughter's gym of colorful weights, but when we were walking back to our home on the residential streets of Sao Jose Dos Campos and this rider came toward us I knew I would have to change images.

I have been searching for a photo that said Brazil, at least my version of Brazil. So far, we have been in Sao Paulo, a city of 16 million people, and Sao Jose, a city of 800,000 people. the cities look like American cities with Portuguese road signs. This photo comes a little closer to my idea of what i would see when I came here. Of course, this is not an accurate portrayal either. Notice his reading glasses on his shirt and shortly after this we visited a satellite testing facility just down the road.

Brazil, quite the land of contrasts.

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