random rancid rambles

By rancidand


olding. Started day very stressed and ended the same when I suddenly realised that the report format I had been praised for by the Cucheyman needed populating and a similar one producing for someone else, cos their boss, who wrote me a gruff email yest prompting the new format, and wrote me another gruffer one today telling me he needed the report earlier was having a meeting in 20mins with them, at which the reports are key. I think the Gruff man loves me really, he just doesn't like to show it - I need to keep working on our relationship though, which is difficult when we correspond no more than once a week. Me normally attention seeking and he normally being non responsive. The US boys were waiting for me in another meeting. Attended but paid no attention (too busy report writing). In between the stress I think I recovered a little from my runnednessdown. Maybe its the marmite I've been eating.

Or maybe its cos I got some recognition today. I'm wanted in Geneva. They may even fly me there and back again 4 days later. If I go I'll surprise Mr Gruff with a smile. I think I'd try to make a weekend of it as well - could go looking for snow and mountains. I tried to help the justification by bargaining myself an extension here - which is actually an I win, and I win, situation. Two goods make an extra specially good.

And I watched Stardust tonight - I've heard so many stories about it from a guy that was part of the Skye crew making it. It was funny seeing the Quirang and then the Grey Corries, as if they are adjacent

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