This day

By snapper

Good day

Had a long and productive meeting in a lovely setting today.
Then got a n email from a school saying they can't take part in the festival, apparantley they have to do National Testing in writing and reading, cycling proficiency, swimming, High School induction and so on.

In my day you did cycling prof in your own time and teachers did the three R's , reading riting & rithmetic! Now my teacher pal tells me she has to spend more time box ticking than actually teaching the kids something usefull. Schools used to be places you sent your kids to and teachers used their imaginations and all teachers could judge each kid and could try to accomodate their peculiarities.

Now parents will only send their kids to schools with good league table results! Schools should not be like football teams!

Are we progressing? kids spend so much time in school and when they come home expect to be able to chill be it with tv or computer games but no these parents feed them a hasty meal then taxi them out to football, Tai Kwan do, fencing, netball cubs scouts guides choir more lessons it just goes on and lo parents don't acutally have to parent and they kid themselves they are doing it all for their kids! aye right!

Parenting is difficult, 24/7 365 days of the year

If they spent some real quality time in the actual presence of their kids they may also discover it is very rewarding....and their kids will actually thank them for it!

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