This day

By snapper

Runaway found!

On SAt we put the big rabbit the VAtersay Boys (two guinea pigs) and Black bunny out into the front garden after them spending the winter running about our patio. They have a lot more space and good grass to eat and wee huts to shelter in and their big hut to go into in the evening.

This was Black bunnies furst time in the front as we only got him this winter. One day, just one day and the bugger had escaped. Our front is very secure (so we thought) I thought if he got out through a wee gap and scaled the wall he will be in the main back garden and we will find him but if he jumped the fence into the neichbours garden then he was toast!

We searched everywhere for him and finally gave up and accepted Houdini had escaped well and truly this time as it was not his first bid for freedom!

Yesterday I had to go on a huge trip to a far off Highland school and took the scenic way back through Moidart, and Lochaber and as we were passing Corpach I said to hubby who was with me, lets visit your parent's grave. This we did and as I was reading my mother in law's name I thought she would have prayed to St Anthony whenever she lost anything. That evening when I finally went to bed at my usual 2am I remembered St Anthony and said to him to look after the escaped Black bunny

Today hubby called me out and said "take a look in the coal bunker" and sure enough on top of the pile of several hundred weight of coal was a very subdued Blcak bunny! He had indeed escaped into the other side of the garden and as we had blocked his entrance to under the shed where he went, this time he darted through the bottom of the coal bunker and must have scrabbled his way to the top effectivly blocking the bottom entrance when all the coal fell down.

He is now firmly behind bars indoors, very thisty and hungry and not talking to us! One very happy #2 daughter was delighted to see him as was hubby who felt guilty at losing him in the first place by not checking that wee gap.

Thank you to St Anthony
I do so like a happy ending

Happy blip day all

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