Nora Berghoff

By nberghoff

Archilochus colubris....

...or Ruby-throated hummingbird.

I adore hummingbirds, because we don't have any where I am from. Thus I really enjoy seeing them at my house.

This picture was taken this morning, against the light of the rising sun, so it created an interesting silhouette.

I took a bunch of other pictures, but only very few turned out remotely okay. One problem was that I was taking pictures through a window, which caused significant blurring (note to self: clean windows!).
If you want to take a look at the other shots, click here.

Meanwhile, the hummingbirds outside are guarding their feeders (I have two - one on each side of the house). I can see them sit on branches in "their" respective trees. It is hard to tell if there are only two hummingbirds or more. Hummers are rather feisty, territorial little creatures - everyone who has seen two hummers fight over territory and feeders will know what I mean. Suffice it to say that feathers will fly...

But enough of my babbling for now.

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