
By LadyFindhorn

Past its Sell by Date

Would you eat this carrot? Probably not if you had an alternative.
Well, I am going to serve it and its brothers up as an accompaniment to our mouth watering vegetarian haggis dinner tonight. ( I use the description euphemistically.)

The carrots were lurking at the foot of the fridge, having been there for almost 3 weeks, and since I was a wartime child, I feel that no food should be wasted.
I did however put the one with the mushy black foot onto the compost heap; so you see there is hope for me.

I enjoyed the blipmeet last night. There was quite a gathering and the table got longer and longer as more people arrived.
It was interesting to put faces to blipnames and to realise that blippers like Samiam, Clickychick and Chippy had travelled a long distance to be there.

We even had Oldmills from Ireland present in the form of a pole topped by mop hair and sporting a cigarette. He/it had pride of place in the centre of the table, but kept falling over, and not a drop to drink either. I managed to speak to the real McCoy on the phone, but there was so much noise going on round about, I couldn't hear too well, and the conversation was short but good to speak with you Oldmills.

Those of us sitting beside Acronymphomania had the pleasure of fingering his new camera, and a very manly one it is too- solid and robust,. It is of course, state of the art and packed full, like the Dower House, of the latest technology which as you know sits heavily on my shoulders. Nevertheless I was able to focus and shoot a few frames and I was also honoured that he wanted to attach my 1.8 50mm fixed lens on to his big beauty and take my portrait.

Apart from fingering his camera, Sweetpotatosky and I fingered his rather delicious looking chips - 2 each as I recall- which left him with very few.
We are anxious to ensure that he refrains from overindulgence.

A good night then for all.

PS I seem to have become less bold today which is probably a Good Thing

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