
By mar

Inter Arma Caritas - Amidst War, Charity

Inter Arma Caritas -Amidst War, Charity
~Red Cross motto

Guess where I was today. *sigh*

Yup, on the best day of the year, I was stuck inside from 9-4 renewing my first aid qualification for the Girl Guides. I'm not bitter. Well, a bit.

Meanwhile, Michael and Charlotte had a brilliant day. They had planned to go to the movies but then I received a text saying 'Not going to movies, decided on getting the paddling pool out.' My first reaction was 'We have a paddling pool?' Then jealousy kicked in.

By the time I got home, the BBQ was on the go.

While we tried to eat our BBQ, we were inundated with birds, which we don't mind as we've set the garden up to be a bird haven. However, it got into a birds vs tadpole scenario. Here, the tadpoles have control. Here they do not. There must have been about 17 different birds at one point and they aren't scare of us. I was actually surprised they didn't just join us at the table they are so relaxed around us (and the rabbits!).

Tonight, I am doing nothing. It's too hot to move.

I'd never survive in the states again - I've turned into a wimp with the heat.

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