
By cracker


Dad took Kaz and I out fishing today on his boat. It was a perfect day for it. There was no wind, the water was glassy, the sun was shining and the fish were biting!!

In the channel on the way out there we saw a yacht just sitting there, it wasn't moving and didn't seem to have an anchor down. The tide was going out and was about two hours after high tide. We wondered if it was stuck there, but the man on the yacht didn't say anything as we went past so we didn't think he needed help.

We spent five hours out fishing and caught about 30 flathead, one silver bream and another fish that Dad didn't know. The wind started to come up a bit once the tide had turned. We came back into the channel and saw the yacht still where it was when we had seen it earlier but it was completely out of the water! We waved to the guy who was fishing and he just sort of motioned that he was ok but wished the water was higher so he could get off!! There was still about 4 hours to go before high tide again when he could off! I imagine he had a very boring day!

Spence had a great time with Mum but he was happy to see us when we got home. We went for a ride on Dad's 4 wheeler motorbike. Spence was fine with us riding it but he was scared of it at first. He was standing on the driveway with Kaz and said 'Mummy Ky on motorbike, so much fun'! But he still didn't want to get on it! Eventually he had a ride on it but only if me or Kaz were sitting on the back and holding him in our arms! He had fun though!

Visiting tomorrow then will either go back home or stay until Monday! It's great to be a lady of leisure! I don't go back to work until June 6!

This was our view as we were going along the channel on the way out into Corner Inlet. The yacht you can just see is the one that ended up being stuck!

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