
By cracker


Another beautiful day today! Stu left us this morning at about 10, he went back to Melbourne for lunch and to stay at a friend's place before flying back to Tassie tomorrow. We have had a lovely with him, it is really nice that he was able to come and spend a few days with us. It was really good watching him and Kaz pottering about doing their projects yesterday!

We are about to go down to my Mum and Dad's house for the weekend. Spence is up from his sleep so we just have to finish packing, pack the car, get Kaz to finish work then off we go! I spoke to Dad earlier and he is going to take Kaz and I out fishing tomorrow which will be good! It's meant to be another nice day with hardly any wind so hopefully the fish will be biting!!

This morning Spence was playing with his teddy bear, putting him on the floor and then jumping on him and saying 'squashed'! He then went and got his little In The Night Garden toys and made each of them in turn jump on teddy and squash him! After each one had squashed him, he lined them up on the floor. It happened to be in a spot where the sunlight was coming in the window so I took a few pics!

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