Dreamin' and schemin'
A day of three halves.
Normal morning: racing to get K to school (sponsored walk today so she was up at 6.30 all dressed, ready and excited) and C to his speech therapy appointment - then shopping after that.
Afternoon of indolence: a bit of light baking for this evening, but mostly just lazing about in the local park with the kids.
Evening: The kids rather delightfully put each other to bed (Katherine proving to be a much better mum than me by brushing Conor's teeth "really really carefully, twice" and reading 10 stories) while I rushed around in a panic at my woeful lack of preparation for having a fellow blipper round for dinner.
Then a lovely evening of chat, history and soul-searching with a like-minded individual, which are of course the most reassuring folk to spend time with as they leave you with a wonderful sense of all being well with the world! (Though I feel bad about not offering a second piece of brownie.) Oh, sorry for the rubbish shot. It was late, I was desperate and not so steady as I might have been.
Anyway, it was all in the interests of planning a blipmeet which I will post in the forum tomorrow when I am more able to type coherently. Can't believe I just typed "coherently" (twice) after all that wine.
Must dash....
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