Baying at the sun
Cor wot a scorcher!
Hot hot hot today in East Lothian. Thursday is my busy day with hundreds* of trips to and from school for drop off/pick up/clubs. I started out this morning with cardi and mac and seemed to shed one item of clothing each new trip - like a sort of school strip poker. Happily the trips stopped before things got unseemly.
A little light gardening, some washing, some on-line shopping and a lot of sitting in the sun just in case it's the only summer we get.
Here's some flowers on our small, wind-bashed bay bush. I don't generally notice the flowers, but this macro lens is making me look at tiny things (you nearly got a shot of the sap sucking bugs on my honeysuckle, but I thought I'd spare you that).
Tomorrow a day of cleaning in case the buyer's lawyers ever do anything and the buyers show up for the threatened measuring-up appointment. Also baking for the much more pleasant visit from another blipper tomorrow night.
Katherine has been getting a bit upset about the house move business, particularly since we can't really tell her what's happening until we know ourselves. Today, in an attempt at reassurance we went through all the things we had to make sure we put in the removal van. Conor was very concerned about whether we'd be taking the telly, and once we had that straight, he was bored and wandered off. Katherine went through a whole list, ending with beds, and after I reassured her that we would certainly be taking her bed, she asked if we could leave her mattress behind as it's really uncomfortable. Poor love. So she's been promised a lovely soft new mattress. So now I have to wonder if the whole conversation was engineered to ensure a new mattress and actually she's not worried about moving at all.
Kids are too smart.
*Ok, 10, but that's still quite a lot.
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