
By Chaos

Alaska Brewpubs and Microbreweries

OK, this is a cheap shot for today.

But it did not come without some wandering and thinking. I was drawn to the light in this neon sign when it struck me that we have not even touched upon the microbrewery culture of Alaska! I feel like Homer Simpson... Doh!

It started with Alaskan Amber, created by the Alaska Brewing Co. in Juneau, Alaska. Once a smaller microbrewery, now at least a macrobrewery distributing throughout the state and to the lower states.

In Anchorage there are four popular brewpubs and microbreweries:

Moose's Tooth. Likely, the most popular. (my daughter is a barista here part time so tip generously!)

Midnight Sun Brewing Co.

Glacier Brewhouse. This facility is the smallest and was mostly set up for tourists.

Sleeping Lady Brewery at the Snow Goose Restaurant.

Homer Brewing. We visited this facility on our recent adventures south to Homer, Alaska. There have a great stout and porter!

So, I think it is important to provide some more in depth photojournalism on this important topic in the near future. I feel there's an assignment in the making!

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