In Today's Views...

By LovePopcorn

Storyteller Series - #49 The Children Bench Blip 7

... continuing our virtual tour....

This is the east side of The Children Bench; mid-way.  I do not know if this picture tile was actually painted by a child, or just painted in that style.  The text tiles that you can see on the topside of the bench, starting at the left are: 9+10 (tomorrow's blip); 7+8; 5+6; and 3+4.  The 3D pale fleshed hand tile in the blue circle is the one from yesterday's blip where we could barely see the fingertips on the top left side of the bench.
Blip 7 is located to the right of Blip 3, which is located to the right of Blip 1 on The Children Bench.

The designing artist featured In Today's Views.... is Sayoko Kay Mura

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