In Today's Views...

By LovePopcorn

Storyteller Series - #48 The Children Bench 7+8

... continuing our virtual tour....

As the blips of the tiles on top of The Children Bench progress from north to south we now read My Word tiles #7 and #8.  Kids do say the "darnedest things"!  
Because the lapis blue tiles are so very shiny I have a hard time getting the detail without my reflection becoming part of the blip.  I took 13 shots of these tiles and only TWO came out without any reflection.  The other two shots I didn't delete had minimal reflection of which this is one.
I chose this one as my blip because you can see the red color from both edges and the very tips of the fingers on the 3D hand tile to the left (which is East) of these tiles.  Tomorrow I anticipate blipping the the straight-on view of that hand.

The designing artist featured In Today's Views... isSayoko Kay Mura

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