Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

On the road home.

What a lovely evening it has been. Part of the good mood is that I got shot of another piece of paper work today. One down, several hundreds to go (or so it seems)

.. a wee bit fed up that I don't have the time, energy, or mind set to make comments on everyone else's beautiful blips. I have been looking at them, sighing over them, and I know that I daren't start to comment, or I shall never stop. Watch out for the weekend after this inspection - all your previous blips will be red hot with comments!

Blipfoto is a great way to end the day, any day. I just have to try and end it earlier than I normally do when I log onto this site!

On the road home tonight, I saw that the Torridon mountains were crying out to be photographed. Who am I to argue with nature?

Thanks for all your kind comments, blippers; they mean a lot to me.

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