
By lexbianne

Summer Reading

Now that classes have finished for the semester I can read for pleasure. Not that reading isn't always pleasure, you understand, but there's something very different about reading a book because you've been told to as opposed to reading a book simply because you want to. Anyway, I've put together my summer reading collection.

* Middlemarch - George Eliot (Ironically, I'm reading this because I'm taking a class devoted to it next semester. I can't quite believe I haven't read it yet. So far it's delightful.)
* Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston (I took a Major Black Writers course this semester and loved everything I read. A few people have told me that this will blow me off my feet. Very much looking forward to reading it.)
* The Hermaphrodite - Julia Ward Howe (Spotted this on the text list for a 600 level Gender & Women's Studies course last year and thought I'd give it a go.)
* Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - Jane Austen and some other guy (Some friends of ours bought us this and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters for Christmas. I'm not entirely sure whether I'll be able to stomach it or not.)
*Conceit - Mary Novik (I started this last December and only got a bit of the way in. It's a fictional account of the life of one of John Donne's daughters and as he's one of my favourite poets ever...)
* Wizard's First Rule - Terry Goodkind (A bit of a rogue addition to the list and not my usual sort of read. I caught ten minutes of a terrible show called Legend of the Seeker a week or so ago and mentioned it to a friend at my knitting group. She brought me this--apparently the terrible series is based upon this supposedly not-so-terrible series of books. We'll see. It's last on my list for a reason.)

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