
By mar

A fool is a man who never tried an experiment ...

A fool is a man who never tried an experiment in his life.
~Erasmus Darwin

Poor Charlotte. She hurt her neck last night in gymnastic but evil mom still made her go to swimming. She woke up in tears which normally we could ignore, but the good cop/bad cop routine broke down when bad cop (me) even agreed that a day off wouldn't hurt. However, the deal was that reading had to get done and a story had to be written using her one object from her National Gallery book & 3 objects from her National History Museum book had to be integrated within the story.

Then we left for work, leaving her in Nanny and Gahdoo's capable hands with said instructions.

After work, Charlotte and I decided to do a science experiment using celery and food dye. Charlotte apparently did this at school and was a bit miffed that she wasn't going to be able to see the results today. So instead of just one celery with red dye, we decided to do a rainbow of colors and test the difference!

What is the experiment? Well first you cut the ends off of the celery**. Pour food dye into a glass and place celery in. Then wait. Amazingly, we started to see results (especially with the red one) about 2 hours after we started. Yellow is the one letting us down, but have a feeling it's doing it's job but we can't really see it.

While we were waiting for our Celery experiment, Charlotte worked on her story. I have to say I was quite impressed with how it developed from a quick story to complete her task to what she is now calling Chapter One as she now wants to develop it into a story. Evil mom is quite proud.

**Nanny and Gahdoo brought the World Cup Flag thing and rightfully bought the American flags... no favoritism here!

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