Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Bouquet . . .

. . . one blossom at a time.

Sunday, and yesterday for that matter, I promised I'd display my Mother's Day gift from my daughter. Well, how about one flower at a time? Just seems better that way.

While watching the Nightly News, we learned that Norman, Oklahoma, has been hit severely by tornadoes. Our granddaughter Desiree and her little boy, Tristan, live there. So I immediately sent her a text, and thankfully she responded quickly that they are okay. So I sighed relief and my heart has slowly calmed down -- like a BB sinking in oil!

I had a grand morning with my students. They submitted an essay project and they genuinely felt like they had achieved success. Lots of that feeling came from their preparation for the in-class essay they wrote several weeks ago. I will begin reading and commenting on the papers shortly. I hope each one earns a high score--that makes them interesting to read and wonderfully fun to return.

Tomorrow is the Annual Faculty Lecture. We have three colleges in one District, so one instructor from the three is chosen. This year that person, a full-time geography professor, is from our college. So lots of us will be driving to the Riverside campus for the mid-morning lecture. There is also a celebration luncheon afterward that I will be attending. Tomorrow will be full.

It's time to "step into" my online office. I'm doing an office hour this evening because I won't be doing one tomorrow morning because of the big event.

I walked out of the classroom this morning at 10:30 to a cool crisp breeze and and a "forever" view -- a beautiful day.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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