
By Yeda

Hard Work

It was another day of hard work for my neighbor (and my sweetheart), but not for me! I had been invited to a very special Mother's Day party by a fellow mother and good friend. This got me out of a host of household chores. This was a brilliant move on my friend's part as the husbands had no room for protest (being that tomorrow was Mother's Day) as their wives took the day to primp & prep (I made some delicious mushroom appetizers). All showered and shined, I drove off for a few hours of champaign sipping, hors d'oeuvres sampling, and major chatting with 20 other moms. Meanwhile my sweetheart vacuumed the entire house, enlisted the kids to assist him in reorganizing their play room, do all the laundry, and prep our mud room for painting. He even found time to take them bowling. I was only gone for a few hours, but I definitely got my Mother's Day gift early!

Thank you Cory for your generous, thoughtful, and amazing party. Can this be an annual gig?

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