
By mar

She did not so much cook as assassinate food.

She did not so much cook as assassinate food.
Storm Jameson (1891-1986)

Seriously lazy, catching up on things type of day. I decided that Charlotte and I would make our Betty Crocker Carrot Cake mix that we bought when we were in London. Charlotte can not be blamed for this disaster. I have no idea how I managed to mess up a cake that is essentially out of a box, minus an egg and water. But I did.

Having said that, I am eating it because, well, it's Betty Crocker!! And I don't waste cake... even when it's heavier than a boulder in Colorado and looks like this.

Tonight we went to @abundantludow to a wonderful exhibition on textiles and glass. It was wonderful and it was a joy to finally meet them (and hear another American accent :-)))

I have been promised a homemade carrot cake from Ott - so all is not lost.
Edit to add: Charlotte did work on an article for about her National Geographics magazine = we weren't completely lazy

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