A typical Saturday of Mandy taking Ewan to his swimming lesson while I potter around keeping Ellen entertained and, today, fiddling with my new toys again. A quick visit from Mr and Mrs P - just long enough to have a cup of tea and for him to pinch some software - and a wander around the village saw us back home in time to think about a bit of cycling.
My mountain bike, which I use to haul wee Ellen's trailer, is a disaster of misuse (actually, no use) so I had to scrub off the rust and spray half a can of WD40 before I could get the chain turning. The original plan to cycle to Culross was quickly revised as soon as it became clear that (a) Ewan doesn't go so fast (b) there was quite a stiff breeze that would have to be cycled against on the way back and (c) the wee man's bum was getting sore after about 5 minutes. It's the first time he's been allowed on his bike since he broke his arm and he was a bit hesitant. Instead we just pottered around the Estate had an ice cream and came home for a bit of gardening.
This is another offering from the garden courtesy of my new friends Aperture and Topaz. Although it works well enough as a nice simple wee picture of a spade, on large you get a nice look at the grain of the handle.
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