The Bee's are Buzzing in the Tree's, To Make Some
Today, I thought, Nature again.
She provides so many good subject, and what a range there is.
I was late leaving the house this morning, and my petted lip was so good, that my beloved, plonked me in the car and drove me the 400 yards to the foot of the station hill. This meant, that I had 3 minutes before the train came, for me to look for a shot.
I don't know about you, but I've been seeing a lot of these chaps about lately. I think maybe one lives in a hole under our patio, he's always in the garden. This one, was difficult for me to photograph. I should wear glasses I can barely see 10 ft in front of me (yes, it does make driving interesting). He was buzzing about under the station platform, and it was difficult for me to keep focused on him, basically I had to point and shoot and hope he was in the frame somewhere.
Other subject matter I covered today, included a Very gay William Wallace(he was a friend of Brucie's wasn't he?). A very Cheeky Rook who actually waited for his portrait. Sadly the light was not in his favour! I wish you could have seen his cocky attitude; he was waiting for me yesterday too, - obviously knew if he hung around long enough, mad woman with camera would snap!
Later on I thought, I'd give you a photo of me being what I love being most. Wife and Mother. This involves sitting in the car, for upwards of 2 hours in an evening, when I could be sitting in a chair watching tv or crocheting. Instead, i dropped kids off, picked them up and in between, waited for husband.
While in the car, the sun set, trains came and went (I was sitting on the station hill), and I practised my crochet. I have moved on to my most ambitious project. a Shawl. I listened to music, and I laughed when I heard the old compliation I made up. Can someone come up with a Blipmusic? Where each day, you post a song, that reminds you of a certain time in your life, and you just grin, and grin and grin, and think, "life is good".
PS - The one which made me grin was "Clothes Off, by Jermaine Stewart"
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