This day

By snapper

Another day, another dollar

Got the form done, emailed it off to get check one or two wee things still to iron out on Monday otherwise ok.

Decided to go to the big smoke with hubby and no2 daughter, 3 dugs and all the attendant stuff that goes with us.

Was driving along but didnt feel the car was quite right, jitters and judders. Pulled in at Tarbet and lo did the dam thing no stop! Worse still the engine manager light went on. Why do these new fangled cars have such stupid things that imobalisers your motor when all that was wrong was a wee air lock? Anyhows it worked itself out and off we went to Glasgow with the 3 dogs panting like mad in the back. Anways got there and now sitting having a nice Advocat and lemonade watching tv and chilling with both daughters and hubs.
Wondering what to do tomorrow, I may play with my lenses as I now have them all working , dont want to go to the town as I hate the town, have no money and dont see the point of window shopping!

Might try todo something with the back garden as the next door tree huggers dont seem to want to develop it! Was thinkging if I went to the charity shops and bought a load of artifical flowers then planted them , I would have permenatnt bloddoming flowers, smart or what?

Have a great blip weekend all

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